Labeling the electrical panel can be an essential time-saving step. Also called a circuit box, electrical panels provide power to an entire house. When a circuit trips, a label will help identify the culprit and keep confusion to a minimum. Here’s why having a labeled electrical panel is recommended and how to go about performing this critical task.
Why label the panel?
The primary reason behind keeping things labeled is clarity and ease of use. When each circuit and switch correctly points to an area of the house, office, or a particular power-appliance, spotting what went wrong can be much more straightforward. Additionally, if professional electricians are conducting delicate repairs, you can quickly turn off the affected areas without cutting off power from the rest of the house.
With a labeled electrical panel, electrical repairs or installations can be done in less time. There won’t be any stress about turning off the AC in the scorching summer heat while fussing about the washing machine’s circuit.
What's the best way to label the electrical panel?
If there’s someone around to help, enlist them to help since this task is much easier when done in a pair. One person can stay with the circuit box and function as the switch flipper, while the other goes around the house to test what outlets are shut off.
For a simple solution, use a permanent marker and blank sticky tape or white electrical tape to write labels. For a tidy alternative, use a label maker. Not all markers can write on electrical and sticky tapes, so test them out before starting the process.
Begin by turning all the lights in the house on. At a glance, it will help identify switches that control entire rooms or switches that control lights around the house. The first step is to turn off every switch in the panel, but not the master switch. Typically, all the panel switches are on by default – just flip them the other way. Turn on each switch, one at a time. Note what parts of the house have power, and label the switch accordingly. The partner comes in handy here if the electrical panel is outside the house, in the basement, or needs a ladder to reach.
If no lights turn on when a switch is flipped, it might power a particular group of outlets or a single appliance. Use a handheld appliance like a small lamp to move around and test each outlet to check. Larger appliances like laundry machines, boilers, ovens, or water heaters can require multiple breakers.f a switch doesn’t work, it might have loose wiring or be a leftover from house renovations.
An adequately labeled electrical panel will make it easy to flip the switches back on during power surges. If you often need to go to the panel to trip the switches, consider calling a professional to troubleshoot the electrical installations and repair any problems.